Tuesday, July 05, 2005


Tuesday 5 Julys run ( 6miles )

Warm up 5x800m 4min recovery. 2:33,31,33,33,35+ 15min cool down. Ran the warm up/down in the frees and the reps in my new balance. Not a bad run considering how windy the track was down the back strait, I put in the same sort of effort as last time but anything faster than 75sec laps was murder(?). Slept ok last night I think my cough may be on the way out at last. Chest was a little tight on the runs so I'm going to try some anti-histamines today and see if they make a difference. Very pleased with yesterdays run I averaged around 154, still a little to high but the run had a few gradiants where my pulse went up to 160+ before I could react to it(therefore bringing the average up). 155 works out at about 7min miles, which is considerably faster than it feels (it feels like 830s).The good thing is you don't get tired, feels like I could run forever at that pace. If I can shift the cough I think I can start getting somewhere.

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